Revealing the corporation

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Publisher: Routledge
Genres: ΜΜΕ
Pages: 384 pages
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN13: 9780415284219
Physical Form: Book
Size: Medium
Type: Digital

As the concepts of corporate identity, communication, image and branding have caught the imagination of scholars and managers, new ways of conceptualizing organizations have arisen. This volume captures the quintessence of the corporation and its many inner and outer manifestations.

Edited by pioneers of the field, Revealing the Corporation presents a new paradigm which draws the key readings together for the first time. Pedagogical features include expert analysis and commentary; an integrative, extended case study; discussion questions; further reading and also a companion website with extra resources such as lecture slides and an instructor's guide:

This augmented anthology affords a new way of comprehending organizations, drawing on a range of disciplinary perspectives. Now a classic text, the book is essential reading for students, researchers and managers interested in corporate reputation, branding and marketing.